Japan: Political Developments and Data in 2023: Financial Scandals Hasten the Ruling Party's Polling Decline


Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) continued to slide in public opinion polls in 2023, with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s approval ratings never recovering from the scandal over the party’s association with the controversial Unification Church that was exposed in the previous year. Kishida survived an assassination attempt in April, and the LDP’s subsequent strong performance in by-elections helped to temporarily stabilise his leadership. However, the party faced a fresh scandal in November, when a police investigation into the misreporting and mishandling of ‘slush fund’ money by the LDP’s major factions led to the removal of four senior Cabinet ministers and an even sharper decline in support for the Kishida administration. Rising consumer prices, due in part to a weakening of the Yen, were also a major concern throughout 2023, with inflation for the full year reaching 3.1 per cent, its highest level since 1981.

European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook (Vol.63 No.1)
Robert A. Fahey
Robert A. Fahey
Assistant Professor (Political Science)

I study populism, polarisation, and conspiracy theory beliefs; I teach quantitative analysis and computational text analysis.